Archive for January, 2012

Pay Attention of ol’ Ben Franklin: “The Ruin OF States”

January 30, 2012

Pay Attention of ol’ Ben Franklin: “The Ruin of States”

His adivise is will worth your time to read this paragraph.


Founder's Quote Daily

“History affords us many instances of the ruin of states, by the prosecution of measures ill suited to the temper and genius of their people. The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy… These measures never fail to create great and violent jealousies and animosities between the people favored and the people oppressed; whence a total separation of affections, interests, political obligations, and all manner of connections, by which the whole state is weakened.” –Benjamin Franklin, Emblematical Representations

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Stealth Jihad Revisited: Propaganda In America’s Classrooms

January 27, 2012

Stealth Jihad Revisited: Propaganda In America’s Classrooms

Gonzo commented that our problem is not just that we have failed to teach our children our American history and the history of Western Civilization. Rather, we are teaching things about ourselves and the world that are untrue .

In my view, the misinformation being taught (and the lack of our own cultural information) in our classrooms is damaging to America’s health, welfare and viability.

I thank Gonzo for bringing this to our attention.

Please view the following and judge for yourself!

VTM, 1/27/12

Failing To Enculturate America’s Children

January 25, 2012

Failing To Enculturate America’s Children

Our critical  failure has been to not thoroughly enculturate our children in the historical moral and ethical foundations of America. If one wonders why our  finest population behaviors are fading away, they need not wonder anymore.

We have simply failed to transmit them to our future.

VTM, 1/2512

Founder's Quote Daily

“Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country.” –Noah Webster, On the Education of Youth in America, 1788

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Why Spiritually Based Moral Codes Work Better Than Secular Ones, Revisited

January 24, 2012

Why Spiritually Based Moral Codes Work Better Than Secular Ones: Revisited

The painful and damaging outcomes for both non-believing individuals and non-believing sociocultures that engage in immoral behavior (and enjoy the more powerful immediate environmental reinforcers) are often so delayed that the individuals and socioculures are unaware of them. This makes the exercise of what we commonly call “self-control” impossible. Over time the accruing delayed negative results can become calamitous. Sadly, for individuals and cultures, the accruing tragic delayed consequences are undetected until it is too late to avoid or escape them.

If you watch the behaviors of individuals and our government in America, you should be able to see many examples of what I am discussing.

Without the God (the“Eye In The Sky”) and His whopping spiritual consequences for individuals, it will be very difficult to teach them, or the governments and sociocultures they comprise, to give-up personal pleasures so that the world will remain unpolluted, animal creatures will survive, or that future children will inherit healthy environmental and economic conditions.   Without God and His Moral Code, it will be very difficult (perhaps impossible) to teach masses of humans to sacrifice their own immediate conveniences and pleasures so their contemporaries, and future generations, can have better lives.

This is not to say that science, if it will only do its work in the field of moral behavior, cannot identify important principles to support or supplement historically successful religiously based values for human morality.  But for the present, there appears to be no way out of this moral dilemma:

Either a socioculture is to some extent built upon commonly accepted, religiously based precepts, or is likely to fail under the weight of its own behavioral chaos; much as America and the West doing is now.


V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D.   1/24/12

The Destruction of America: Obama Calls It Transformation!

January 21, 2012

The Destruction of America: Obama Calls It transformation

The Democratic party, under the leadership of  President Barack Obama is dedicated to transforming America into a socialist culture. To do that will require the destruction of our capitalistic economy and our social and religious traditions. This of course is a tall order.

If Obama’s goal is transforming America into a European Socalist-like culture, it should not be surprising that the age-old tried and true strategy of setting one class, or race, of citizens against the other will be the vehicle for  the transformational process.

This planned methodology is already clear. It will become more clear as the democrats fight against conservative candidates in our Presidential Electoral process.

The following article, by Thomas Sowell, provides some historical perspective to the destructive race-baiting, class-warfare that the Obama and his minions are now in the process of intensifying.

Obama’s stated goal when taking office was to” transform America”. The great power behind cultural transformation has often been the glowing embers of class-envy, fanned into class-hatred by a messianic leader.

This should not be a surprise.

Wake-Up America!

VTM, 1/21/11

An Ignored ‘Disparity’: Part IV

Thomas Sowell    

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<span class=”mceItemHidden”>a href=”;sz=225×200;pos=mag;tile=2;ord=71848883?”><<span class=”hiddenSpellError” pre=””>img</span><span class=”mceItemHidden”> </span><span class=”hiddenSpellError” pre=”img “>src</span>=”;sz=225×200;pos=mag;tile=2;ord=71848883?&#8221; border=0 width=225 height=200 alt=”Click Here!”</span>Different histories, geography, demography and cultures have left various groups, races, nations and civilizations with radically different abilities to create wealth.

 In centuries past, the majority population of various cities in Eastern Europe consisted of people from Western Europe — Germans, Jews and others — while the vast majority of the population in the surrounding countrysides were Slavs or other indigenous peoples of the region.

Just as Western Europe was — and is — more prosperous than Eastern Europe, so Western Europeans living in Eastern European cities in centuries past were more prosperous than the Slavs and others living in the countrysides, or even in the same cities.

One of the historic advantages of Western Europe was that it was conquered by the Romans in ancient times — a traumatic experience in itself, but one which left Western European languages with written versions, using letters created by the Romans. Eastern European languages developed written versions centuries later.

Literate people obviously have many advantages over people who are illiterate. Even after Eastern European languages became literate, it was a long time before they had such accumulations of valuable written knowledge as Western European languages had, due to Western European languages’ centuries earlier head start.

Even the educated elites of Eastern Europe were often educated in Western European languages. None of this was due to the faults of one or the merits of the other. It is just the way that history went down.

But such mundane explanations of gross disparities are seldom emotionally satisfying — least of all to those on the short end of these disparities. With the rise over time of an indigenous intelligentsia in Eastern Europe and the growing influence of mass politics, more emotionally satisfying explanations emerged, such as oppression, exploitation and the like.

Since human beings have seldom been saints, whether in Eastern Europe or elsewhere, there were no doubt many individual flaws and shortcomings among the non-indigenous elites to complain of. But those shortcomings were not the fundamental reason for the economic disparities between Eastern Europeans and Western Europeans. More important, seeing those Western European elites in Eastern Europe as the cause of the economic disparities led many Eastern Europeans into the blind alley of ethnic identity politics, including hostility to Germans, Jews and others — and a romanticizing of their own cultural patterns that were holding them back.

What happened in Eastern Europe, including many tragedies that grew out of the polarization of groups in the region, has implications that reach far beyond Europe, and in fact reach all around the world, where similar events have produced similar polarizations and similar historic tragedies.

Today, in America, many denounce the black-white gap in economic and other achievements, which they attribute to the same kinds of causes as those to which the lags of Eastern Europeans have been attributed. Moreover, the persistence of these gaps, years after the civil rights laws were expected to close them, is regarded as something strange and even sinister.

Yet the economic disparities between Eastern Europeans and Western Europeans remains to this day greater than the economic disparities between blacks and whites in America — and the gap in Europe has lasted for centuries.

Focusing attention and attacks on people who have greater wealth-generating capacity — whether races, classes or whatever — has had counterproductive consequences, including tragedies written in the blood of millions. Whole totalitarian governments have risen to dictatorial power on the wings of envy and resentment ideologies.

Intellectuals have all too often promoted these envy and resentment ideologies. There are both psychic and material rewards for the intelligentsia in doing so, even when the supposed beneficiaries of these ideologies end up worse off. When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear.

Both politicians and intellectuals have made their choice.

Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell

    Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute and author of  The Housing Boom and Bust. TOWNHALL DAILY: Sign up today and receive Thomas Sowell and’s daily lineup delivered each morning to your inbox.

The Psychology of Morality: Religion vs Atheism

January 20, 2012

The Psychology of Morality: Religion vs Atheism

There are clear reasons why secular-based moral behavior is likely to be weaker than religiously based moral behavior.

Psychologists know, and generally teach their students that immediate consequences (reinforcement and punishment) most powerfully influence behavior. However, Dr. Richard Malott (A professor of psychology at Western Michigan University) has made a special exception to that rule for humans who have mastered the use of language and who can well experience, read about and hear about the past, present. Humans can also imagine, or be informed of future probable events, and they can estimate the size and impact of those consequences for themselves and others.

Professor Malott observes (and so can you), that immediate consequences that are small and not certain are not so likely to influence our behavior. Familiar examples of this weak control would be wearing a seat belt to avoid injury in case of an automobile collision, exercising regularly to avoid a host of possible health difficulties, or brushing our teeth three times a day to avoid cavities, etc..

The control of our behavior is much more powerful when consequences that are delayed, are also very large and very certain. We would be unlikely to attempt to fly to airplane to a destination if we did not know, for certain, that we had enough fuel to arrive safely. A mariner would most likely avoid voyaging in the direction of a developing hurricane.

Of course immediate, large, and very certain consequences control our behavior best. Humans normally avoid stepping in front of a speeding automobile, walking of cliffs, and petting rattle snakes.

But more to the point, for those who believe in God, both immediate cognitive-emotional (guilty thoughts and feelings), social (social disapproval) consequences;  and delayed spiritual consequences (Heaven or Hell) related to moral and immoral behavior can be very big, and very certain .

For non believers, there are no spiritual consequences. Furthermore secular social consequences are often small, delayed, and improbable for religiously based moral prescriptions (tell the truth, treat others kindly, don’t steal, etc.).

On the other hand immoral behavior earns relatively immediate, large, and certain physiological reinforcement (pornography and sex = novel stimulation and orgasm, ingestion of drugs and alcohol = reduced anxiety and rewarding changes in states of consciousness, Gambling and violence = physiological excitement and dominance). Furthermore, individuals  will easily find social contexts in which to behave in immoral ways and gain positive reinforcement from others.

To the believer, “the wages of sin is death”. To the secularist humanist, all too often, the wages of sin are more immediate, larger and more certain reinforcement.


V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D.,  1/20/12

Which Presidential Candidate Do You Like?

January 17, 2012

Which Presidential Candidate Do You Like?

Match Presidential Candidate
“This is interesting. Click on the link, and take the test to see who you really like best as a presidential candidate based on policy positions (i.e., personality excluded). First slide the importance to you bar to the degree of what issues are most important and least important to you accordingly. Then answer the eleven questions asked of you to see who, by name, you prefer. Try it. It doesn’t take much time, and it’s kind of fun.”
Thank you Vic Palenske for sending this. It is an interesting exercise.
I like Newt the most. Mitt is acceptable to me. Actually, so is everyone else, except Ron Paul. But I believe that Newt and Mitt are the ones most likely to win against Obama.
VTM,  1/17/12

Out Of Respect for MLK Day and Hopes For Better Race Relations

January 16, 2012

Out Of Respect for MLK Day and Hopes For Better Race Relations

VTM,  1/16/12

Have A Good Laugh!

January 15, 2012

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

 By Michael Ramirez – January 11, 2012
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

By Eric Allie – December 26, 2011
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

By Michael Ramirez – December 23, 2011
Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

By Steve Kelley – January 10, 2012
Might just as well have a good laugh!
VTM,   1/15/12

Hidden Danger of Big Government: Game-Over for America!

January 14, 2012

Hidden Danger of Big Government: Game-Over for America!

I normally credit those who send something important to me that I have included in my blog. A friend and university administrator sent me the following video. Given the progressive political environments at most of our universities, I will preserve my friend’s anonymity.

It is of paramount importance that you take 3 minutes and 40 seconds to watch this video. You will be astonished.

America is in great peril and your help is essential to its survival. You can save us with your vote and also by encouraging your like-minded friends to vote…. and also to get their other like-minded friends to vote.

It is essential to vote in all elections.

Wake-Up America!

VTM, 1/14/11