Archive for August, 2018

How Tolerant Are You?!

August 30, 2018

How Tolerant Are You?!

Wake-Up America….Before you destroy yourself!

Please send this video to everyone you know.

Be sure to show it to your kids.

V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D., 8/30/18

Shame on America!

August 27, 2018

Wake-Up America!

Shame on America for not teaching our children and young adults that IT has done more great things for its citizens and the world than any other nation on earth.

Yes, America is a work-in-progress; but our historical and current imperfections must be put in context and in perspective.

Way too many of our children and young adults are pathetically ignorant about America’s stunning accomplishments in just over 242 years. 

A great many of our children and young adults know little-to-nothing about the Revolutionary war,  the War of 1812, our Civil War, the Emancipation of Slaves, WWI, WWII, the Korean War, the Civil Rights revolution of the 1960’s, the Cold War and the Viet Nam War. Also, they know little-to-nothing about the meaning of Memorial Day, the meaning of the Fourth of July and Veteran’s Day. America’s young adults know little-to-nothing about the advantages of Capitalism; or the murderous mass killings, famines and economic failures of Socialists, Communists and Dictatorships…and so much more.

Our government, families, schools and our media have been failing to teach the wonderful things that America has done to improve the lives of countless millions within our borders and billions of people around the world. We have been failing for decades!

Nations that do not teach their children about the good and noble things that their evolving ways-of-life have achieved, the great (even mortal) sacrifices of its past citizens, and the terrible things that our enemies have done (and continue to try to do), will suffer a fate worse than the death of its individual citizens.

They will suffer the death of their cultures and their civilizations.

Wake-Up America! We we are approaching the point of no return.

Now, shame on America for this!

V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D., 8/27/18

12-Steps To Destroy America: Happening Now!

August 24, 2018

12-Steps To Destroy America: Happening Now!

Wake-Up Ignorant Americans!

Study this information and send it to everyone you know.

I challenge anyone to disprove that all of these 12 steps to destroying a society, are not now well-underway in America

Please take my challenge!

V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D., 8/24/18

America Is Feminizing It’s Boys

August 22, 2018

America Is Feminizing It’s Boys

If you have noticed that America’s millennial young men are often somewhat, or sometimes strikingly feminized….you are noticing something very real.

If you have noticed that  Millennial females are increasingly masculinized, you are also noticing something very real.

Please see the following article.

But, in this blog, I wish to focus upon feminizing boys and the social, cultural and geopolitical consequences.

It is true that America is feminizing it’s boys. The following video makes very clear how our educational system is part of the confluence of evolving “emasculating” cultural influences that are focused upon American boys.

You do not want to miss this factual video presentation by Prager University.

To this powerful influence we must add the often overlooked effects of high rates of divorce in America. Divorce often leads to diminished influences by fathers and mothers being designated as the custodial parent. When mothers and fathers work closely together to raise sons, their sons normally gain a healthy blend of male and female features, generally weighted towards the male end of the spectrum. This is a good and much needed outcome for failed marriages.

When this balance is disrupted, the scale to often tips in the direction of excessive feminine influences on boys.

Divorced (or working married) mothers must often place their children in child-care facilities that are typically populated with female staff. This is a culture-wide factor that furthers the disproportionate influence of female role models upon boys. As illustrated in the video above, this trend then continues when boys enter America’s educational system.

Of course there is the largely progressive/liberal media, much of which is dedicated to eradicating sex roles and gender differences. The media has increasingly featured and popularized feminine males, some of whom appear to be male caricatures of extreme feminism. For these flamboyantly feminized boys and men, the crass inslut of “girly boy” would be taken as a high complement. Both moderately and greatly feminized male role models (for other boys to imitate) can now be observed in movies, T.V. sit-coms, and ads in many venues.

These trends would seem self-defeating for any culture that hopes to long survive in a hostile world of competing and often waring nations. The implications of this fearsome fact should be clear in light of the feminization of American males.

I invite you to do some internet research on the social, cultural and geopolitical perils of America feminizing its boys. 

V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Practicing Psychologist.


Suicide by Uncontrolled Immigration

August 20, 2018

Suicide by Uncontrolled Immigration

America cannot take-in all of God’s Children in the world.

To do so would bankrupt the nation and overwhelm all of our institutions. Try to think of an institution in America that is not already stressed to the max and in danger of failing: Consider our courts, law enforcement, prisons, welfare, housing, education, hospitals, border patrol, and all levels of government, to name a quick list that I can think of.

Through history, cultures have been destroyed by uncontrolled immigration. Why do you think that the enforcement of borders has been a near universal global practice between cultures until recent so-called progressive politics. 

Simply pay attention to the social and cultural chaos that is now threatening the viability various cultures that have opened their borders to whoever wishes to migrate into them. 

Wake-up America!

V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D., 8/20/18

Meet Omarose Onee Manigault-Newman: Is She Truthful?

August 13, 2018

Meet Omarose Onee Manigault-Newman: Is She Truthful?

Well, I do not know this lady. She is saying some very bad things about President Trump. 

So, I read her Wikipedia biography and I have decided who I will believe regarding her allegations. 

I hope you will also read Omarose’s biography and see what you think. It is very important that you do so. 

The socialists, radical leftists, progressives and enemies of President Trump will be “muck-raking” with all of their might leading up to the November elections and again in 2020. 

They have, are, and certainly will be trying to destroy President Trump and his Administration before these target dates.

It is important that you read the following to see what you think.

V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D., 8/13/18

Dr. Tom’s Laugh Therapy #9

August 12, 2018

Dr. Tom’s Laugh Therapy #9
Things are growing more absurd with each passing week. I will not deny reality, so I’ll just laugh at it and cast my vote accordingly when the time comes.
I hope you will do the same!
V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D., 8/12/18
Mike Lester · Aug. 3, 2018

Rick McKee · Aug. 4, 2018
A.F. Branco · Aug. 8, 2018

A.F. Branco · Aug. 8, 2018

Islamic Terror Training Camps: IN AMERICA!

August 11, 2018

Islamic Terror Training Camps: IN AMERICA!

Sometimes I feel like I am caught in a time-warp and no matter what I publish on my little blog simply does not matter. 

This is one of those times. I have blogged about  Islamic Terrorist Camps (over 30 of them) IN AMERICA a few years ago.  

I have heard nothing about Islamic Terrorist Camps since then: Until right now!

So, here is the documentation of this new report. 

America, Ignore this at your own peril.

The following is another report of over 30 Islamic Terrorists Training Camps IN AMERICA, that I just discovered on the internet from 10 yrs. ago, predating my own older blog. 

This information has been available for a long time, but most Americans know nothing about this grave threat. Obviously, our government has done nothing about them! Why is this so?!

I wonder how many “graduates” of these training camps are now living amongst us.

Wake-Up America, or you are doomed!

V. Thomas Mawhinney Ph.D., 8/10/18





Is Socialism Good For America?!

August 9, 2018

Is Socialism Good For America?!



Now for a real education about socialism, watch Ben Shapiro tell us why it is immoral and evil!

If we cannot explain why this is the truth, we are part of America’s great undoing.

Shapiro makes us put our “thinking caps” on!

V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D., 8/9/18

America Needs Manly-Men and Fathers!

August 6, 2018

via America Needs Manly-Men and Fathers!