Archive for March, 2021

Democrat Marxist’s Degrading of America

March 27, 2021

Marxist revolutionaries take advantage of degraded and dysfunctional nations in order to replace their governments’ with socialist regimes. Socialist regimes then often morph into more totalitarian forms of communism.

The socialists and/or communists work tirelessly to accelerate this process of social and cultural decline in targeted nations. In doing so they weaken a the populations psychological immunity to their eventual political take-over of power and population control.

That is exactly what is happening to America right now. The damaging democrat party, is most assuredly, damaging America on purpose. Their evil intent is, as they often promised during the Obama Administration, to “Transform America”!

Their astonishing progress toward this goal should be traumatizing all American patriots.

It is essential to “transform” this trauma into highly mobilized national resistance to this deadly social and political disease!

Please see yet another essential perception of America’s Ongoing Marxist Revolution. Then, act accordingly!

P.S. Watch New Max on T.V. to learn the truth about America’s Marxist Revolution


American Marxist Revolution! In Sad Cartoons #1

March 25, 2021

The worst is yet to come for America if we do not find a way to jump-start an American Constitutional Republic Counter-Revolution!

The last sad cartoon will be a shock to all my readers who may recall the terrifying French Revolution of 1789. The chain of events leading up to this horrific blood bath resembles those of our own, under the leadership of the radical Marxist revolutionary Democrat Party. The party that seeks to “TRANSFORM AMERICA”!




Silent Majority Patriots: It Is Time To March On Washington!

March 21, 2021

Silent Majority Patriots of both Political Parties: You damned-well better make yourselves heard and accounted for!

The Marxist Biden/Harris Administration is wantonly focused upon destroying America’s Constitutional Republic. It is doing so by inflaming a clear and obvious ongoing American Socialist/Communist Revolution.

This in pursuit of power and political control in perpetuity.

America!  It is do or die. You must march on Washington; to the Whitehouse, too the Supreme Court and anywhere else that you can persuasively scream and nonviolently agitate for the nullification of the traitorous Biden Administration.

America in now facing an existential crisis of overwhelming proportions. The Biden Administration is doing everything in its power to destroy America.

Please, Please, Please, see Judge Jeanine’s impassioned indictment of our corrupted politicians (in both parties) who are, through their actions and inactions, fanning the flames of America’s Great Undoing at the border and throughout our great civilization!

Patriotic citizens must now take take peaceful but raucous action! It is now, or very possibly never.

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 3/21/21

You must see this video!

The Ongoing American Marxist Revolution: H.R. 1 “For The People Act”!

March 20, 2021

I know that the following is a lot of reading and it is time-consuming. But, we also remember that hundreds of thousands of our citizens have died to protect our precious and unique, in all the world, American Constitutional Republic. It is essential that all citizens realize what the H.R. 1 bill, if it passes the Senate, will do to destroy America.

The Ongoing American Marxist Revolution perpetrated against us by the radicalized Democrat Party has devised the perfect plan to “TRANSFORM” America. This is the one that they have promised since the election of their President Obama. This democrat administration began the process of inflaming citizen conflicts based upon identity politics (I.e., race, religion, value systems, and LGBTQ issues, etc.). They also opened our borders to a flood of unvetted illegal invaders, dismantled our military,  and circumvented our Constitution limitations on the growth and power of our Federal Government. 

The American Marxist Revolution has long simmered in our political system.  But Obama kicked it into high gear. Our propagandistic public schools, universities, news and entertainment media, along with judicial and governmental Marxist operatives have finally reached the TRAFORMATIONAL TIPPING POINT that we are at now.

Of course, many smart Americans recoil from what they identify as conspiracy theory paranoia. It is smart and adaptive to carefully do one’s reality-testing before forming important belief systems. This is essential to do to  make adaptive decisions in a constantly changing crazy society and world. 

This is no easy task, but as voting citizens of the greatest nation ever on planet earth, it is our responsibility to bring intellectual rigour to our efforts to save and perpetuate our ways of life. That is, to protect individual freedoms from excessive governmental control while securing the greatest good for the greatest majority of our citizens.

And just as importantly, to do all of this while protecting our aged and variously infirmed citizens from the ravages of poverty and disease.

No other nation on earth has ever done a better job of approaching these goals.

But all of this is now on the verge if destruction. The following is the Marxist Revolutionary Bill to be voted on by the American Senate. This is a Marxist bullet shot into our Founding Father’s American Constitutional Brain. 

If approved, the Unconstitutional changes outlined in this Bill solidifies the death of the American Dream. 

It is our citizens’ duty to understand this bill and to then ACT accordingly.

I have placed the first two short summarizing paragraphs of this document at the end of this article without changing a word. It is a good summary of this document.  

It is imperative all citizens read this entire H.R. 1 summary! Please send this H.R. 1 summary to everyone you know.

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 3/20/21

The Facts About H.R. 1: The “For the People Act of 2021”

February 21, 2021 6 min read Download Report

The Heritage Foundation

The Issue

H.R. 1 would federalize and micromanage the election process administered by the states, imposing unnecessary, unwise, and unconstitutional mandates on the states and reversing the decentralization of the American election process—which is essential to the protection of our liberty and freedom. It would implement nationwide the worst changes in election rules that occurred during the 2020 election and go even further in eroding and eliminating basic security protocols that states have in place. The bill would interfere with the ability of states and their citizens to determine the qualifications and eligibility of voters, to ensure the accuracy of voter registration rolls, to secure the fairness and integrity of elections, to participate and speak freely in the political process, and to determine the district boundary lines for electing their representatives.

What H.R. 1 Would Do

  • Seize the authority of states to regulate voter registration and the voting process by forcing states to implement early voting, automatic voter registration, same-day registration, online voter registration, and no-fault absentee balloting.
  • Make it easier to commit fraud and promote chaos at the polls through same-day registration, as election officials would have no time to verify the accuracy of voter registration information and the eligibility of an individual to vote and could not anticipate the number of ballots and precinct workers that would be needed at specific polling locations.
  • Hurt voter turnout through 15 days of mandated early voting by diffusing the intensity of get-out-the-vote efforts; it would raise the cost of campaigns. Voters who vote early don’t have the same information as those who vote on Election Day, missing late-breaking developments that could affect their choices.
  • Degrade the accuracy of registration lists by requiring states to automatically register all individuals (as opposed to “citizens”) from state and federal databases, such as state Departments of Motor Vehicles, corrections and welfare offices, and federal agencies such as the Social Security Administration, the Department of Labor, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the Department of Health and Human Services. This would register large numbers of ineligible voters, including aliens, and cause multiple or duplicate registrations of the same individuals and put federal agencies in charge of determining a person’s domicile for voting purposes (as well as that individual’s taxing state).
  • Constitute a recipe for massive voter registration fraud by hackers and cyber criminals through online voter registration that is not tied to an existing state record, such as a driver’s license. It would make it a criminal offense for a state official to reject a voter registration application even when it is rejected “under color of law” because the official believes the individual is ineligible to vote. It would also require states to allow 16-year-olds and 17-year-olds to register; when combined with a ban on voter ID and restrictions on the ability to challenge the eligibility of a voter, this would effectively ensure that underage individuals could vote with impunity.
  • Require states to count ballots cast by voters outside of their assigned precincts, overriding the precinct system used by almost all states that allows election officials to monitor votes, staff polling places, provide enough ballots, and prevent election fraud.
  • Mandate no-fault absentee ballots, which are the tool of choice for vote thieves. It would ban witness signature or notarization requirements for absentee ballots; force states to accept absentee ballots received up to 10 days after Election Day as long as they are postmarked by Election Day; and require states to allow vote trafficking (vote harvesting) so that any third parties—including campaign staffers and political consultants—can pick up and deliver absentee ballots.
  • Prevent election officials from checking the eligibility and qualifications of voters and removing ineligible voters. This includes restrictions on using the U.S. Postal Service’s national change-of-address system to verify the address of registered voters; participating in state programs that compare voter registration lists to detect individuals registered in multiple states; or ever removing registrants due to a failure to vote no matter how much time has elapsed. It also would substantially limit the public release of voter registration information, making it almost impossible for nonpartisan organizations to verify the accuracy of registration rolls, and prohibit states from using undeliverable election mail as a basis for challenging a registrant’s eligibility.
  • Ban state voter ID laws by forcing states to allow individuals to vote without an ID and merely signing a statement in which they claim they are who they say they are.
  • Violate the First Amendment with respect to a vast range of legal activity. Voter intimidation or coercion that prevents someone from registering or voting is already a federal crime under the Voting Rights Act and the National Voter Registration Act. But H.R. 1 would add a provision criminalizing “hindering, interfering, or preventing” anyone from registering or voting, which is so vague and so broad that it could prevent providing any information to election officials about the ineligibility of an individual, such as an applicant not being a U.S. citizen.
  • Expand regulation and government censorship of campaigns and political activity and speech, including online and policy-related speech. H.R. 1 would impose onerous legal and administrative compliance burdens and costs on candidates, citizens, civic groups, unions, corporations, and nonprofit organizations. Many of these provisions violate the First Amendment, protect incumbents, and reduce the accountability of politicians to the public; its onerous disclosure requirements for nonprofit organizations would subject their members and donors to intimidation and harassment—the modern equivalent of the type of disclosure requirements the U.S. Supreme Court in NAACP v. Alabama (1958) held violated associational rights protected by the Fourteenth Amendment.
  • Reduce the number of Federal Election Commission members from six to five, allowing the political party with three commission seats to control the commission and engage in partisan enforcement activities.
  • Prohibit state election officials from participating in federal elections and impose numerous other “ethics” rules that are unconstitutional or unfairly restrict political activity, eliminating the ability of the residents of specific states to make their own decisions about what rules should govern their state government officials.
  • Require states to restore the ability of felons to vote the moment they are out of prison regardless of uncompleted parole, probation, or restitution requirements. Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment gives states the constitutional authority to decide when felons who committed crimes against their fellow citizens may vote again. Congress cannot override a constitutional amendment with a statute.
  • Transfer the right to draw congressional districts from state legislatures to “independent” commissions whose members are unaccountable to voters. H.R. 1 would make it a violation of federal law to engage in “partisan” redistricting and mandate the inclusion of alien population, both legal and illegal, in all redistricting. This is an anti-democratic, unconstitutional measure that would take away the ability of the citizens of a state to make their own decisions about redistricting.
  • Authorize the Internal Revenue Service to engage in partisan activity. H.R. 1 would permit the IRS to investigate and consider the political and policy positions of nonprofit organizations before granting tax-exempt status, thus enabling IRS officials to target organizations engaging in First Amendment activity with disfavored views.
  • Limit access to federal courts for anyone challenging H.R. 1. The bill would prohibit the filing of any lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of H.R. 1 anywhere except in the District Court for the District of Columbia and would allow the court to order all plaintiffs and intervenors, regardless of their number (such as all 50 states), “to file joint papers or to be represented by a single attorney at oral argument,” severely limiting the legal representation and due process rights of challengers.
  • Establish a “Commission to Protect Democratic Institutions” that would threaten the independence of the judiciary. H.R. 1 defines “democratic institutions” as those that are “essential to ensuring an independent judiciary, free and fair elections and the rule of law.” The commission would be given the authority to compel judges to testify and justify their legal decisions, threatening their independent judgment and subjecting them to political pressure and harassment.

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The Heritage Foundation

The Facts About H.R. 1: The “For the People Act of 2021”

February 21, 2021 6 min read Download Report

The Heritage Foundation


H.R. 1 would federalize and micromanage the election process administered by the states, imposing unnecessary, unwise, and unconstitutional mandates on the states and reversing the decentralization of the American election process—which is essential to the protection of our liberty and freedom. It would (among other things) implement nationwide the worst changes in election rules that occurred during the 2020 election; go even further in eroding and eliminating basic security protocols that states have in place; and interfere with the ability of states and their citizens to determine the qualifications and eligibility of voters, ensure the accuracy of voter registration rolls, secure the fairness and integrity of elections, and participate and speak freely in the political process.

Key Takeaways

H.R. 1 would federalize and micromanage the election process, imposing unnecessary, unwise, and unconstitutional mandates on the states.

It would reverse the decentralization of the American election process—an essential protection of our liberty and freedom.

It would implement nationwide the worst changes in election rules that occurred in 2020 and further damage or eliminate basic security protocols.

The Psychology of Socialism #4: The Sick-Democracy-Cycle

March 13, 2021

America’s long-developing Marxist Revolution has occurred with intermittent big gains and shorter temporary reversals, over the course of many generations.

In my Psychology of Socialism #1: Why Is It So Seductive?!, I introduced the psychological principles and elements of human nature that forever have made humans susceptible to is destructive charms.

In my second blog on this topic, The Psychology of Socialism #2: The Problems With Modernization, I addressed numerous changes that developing science and its technology have brought (I.e., increased safety and personal conveniences that have change many of our emotions, thoughts, beliefs and behaviors). Many of these changes are beneficial, but many bring distinct disadvantages to our collective well-being.

I also explained some of the ways that modernization and the Principles of Psychology can work-together to weaken a population’s resistance to the more immediate short-term rewards of socialism at the expense of certain longer-term disasters. Unfortunately, the short term rewards of socialism appeal to both voters and politicians. Without strong cultural teachings designed to “inoculate” citizens against the tyranny of many immediate rewards, many of us can fall prey to some easy rewards with disastrous delayed consequences (I.e., addictive drugs, charge card abuse, compulsive gambling, welfare dependency, or the exchange of advantageous favors and material rewards to citizens by politicians for their own increased power and tenure, etc.).

As modernizing societies continue to develop through generations of citizens, the strength and adaptive qualities of the population’s behaviors tend to diminish. The once more common population levels of tenacity and perseverance to work for long-term goals and rewards tends to decline. Also, the courage to survive hardships, based in part upon the solidifying populations’ faith in historical religions and traditions tend to also be weakened. 

In modernizing societies, people become more dependent upon the advances of knowledge, science, new technical conveniences and governmental assistance. The confluence of these many cultural changes often bring the weakening of morality and ethical behavior within the citizenry. The once sustaining rules, practices and values, historically bolstered by more powerful religious institutions with strong social, cultural and governmental support then begin to decrease in prevalence. All of this is a prelude to predictable social, political and survival problems to come.

The results of these interacting cultural changes in Democracies, or Republics such as ours, could easily transition to a positively accelerating feedback “Sick-Democracy-Cycles”. The Sick-Democracy-Cycle can be comprise of many components. For example, selfish unprincipled voters and politicians can lavish the short-term rewards they control upon each other. In other words, population votes can  be exchanged for politically controlled governmental “largess” (I.e., taxed monies confiscated from the population’s so-called “greedy maker” population and redistributed to the so-called “poor and needy taker” population). These terms become part of the emerging propagandistic language and rational for Socialism. This political Sick-Democracy-Cycle is likely to incrementally move in the direction of a Socialism. Why? Because the population behavior patterns that are punished by the removal of rewards (I.e., increasing taxes) will decrease in future frequency and the population behavior patterns that are rewarded by the receipt of rewards (I.e., various entitlements and welfare allocations) will increase in future frequency. This self-feeding political Sick-Democracy-Cycle is now in play in America’s Ongoing Socialist Revolution. If this self-destructive democracy cycle isn’t stopped, it will lead to the destruction of America, as we have known it for 244 years.

In The Psychology of Socialism 1, 2, and 3, I explained that more immediate , more frequent, and more easily accessible rewards tend to weaken the tenacity, perseverance and creative generativity of citizens. Furthermore, when these rewards become insufficient, or are suddenly cut-off, the psychological principle of Extinction kicks in. The transition from a thick source of easy rewards turns to relative deprivation. This generally leads to lower motivation (i.e., “Give-Upitis”), depression, anxiety and anger; with growing trends of many other kinds of maladaptive behaviors, including suicide, addictions , crime and aggression among citizens.

The Psychological Principle of Extinction Produced Aggression can be a catalyst to all of the of the maladaptive outcomes I have mentioned above, including citizen revolts and revolutions. Unfortunately, revolts and revolutions too often fail to illustrate the old saying that: “Good Things Can Come From Bad Things”. 

The cultural memory of our first American Revolution, occurring between 1775 and 1784, gave birth to our now badly damaged and fragile Constitutional Republic.  

As I explained in The Psychology of Socialism #3: Weakening of Our Behavioral Immunity, socialism is analogous to a disease that attacks societies when their behavioral immune systems become impaired.  I further explained some of the psychological principles that weaken populations’ resistance to the seductive short-term, damaging rewards of socialism while populations’ remain oblivious to the long-term disasters that will soon come to afflict them.

If you were born before the 1960’s you should be able to see the powerful evidence of these damaging outcomes all around you now. If so, your obvious question should be: What are the causes of these damaging changes?!

As I hope you are beginning to understand, many of the answers to this great question are found within the Scientific Field of Psychology.

Please stay tuned. There is more to come on The Psychology of Socialism and America’s present decline.

V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D.

Health Services Provider in Psychology

Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Indiana University South Bend.

America’s Marxist Revolution in Cartoons!

March 3, 2021

You will not see what follows in the liberal media.

But, if you will look below, You will see the Ongoing American Marxist Revolution in cartoons!

The People and pundits I observe and listen-to, devotee’s of both political parties, witness the dramatic new governmental changes in America and normally conclude: “they don’t make sense!” They say “the new government doesn’t understand economics or crime”. Or, They don’t seem to understand that the flood of poor uneducated immigrants across our open borders will swamp all of our agencies (education, health, law-enforcement, housing, and take the work opportunities that our own low income unemployed need, etc., etc., etc.

But, yes many do understand.  The just don’t want to admit to the ongoing revolution in America!

The goal is to destroy America’s Constitutional Republic, as well as its social organizations and cultural practices. “They” are doing this in order to achieve their own redesigned America. 

And, what is the new design some may ask?

The blindness of those who ask will be the key to our American Marxist Revolution’s success!

Only “they” can laugh at these “funnies”!

The rest of us could cry.

V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D., 3/3/12


Cartoons: A.F. Branco for February 22, 2021

Cartoons: Gary Varvel for February 25, 2021

Cartoons: A.F. Branco for February 18, 2021