Archive for August, 2020

Tucker: On Democrat Demagogues

August 28, 2020

Tucker: On Democrat Demagogues

The Word “Demagogue” refers to politicians who gain political support by fanning the flames of population wants and prejudices, rather than providing a detailed rational argument for their objectives. Demagogues are often gifted at manipulating people, the press and general entertainment media.

America! Do not listen to democrats’ disastrous leftist platitudes. Look at how they have destroyed America’s once great cities, run exclusively by them for decades.

Look at the Fact that there have been ongoing riots with intimidation and physical aggression to innocent people….even death and fiery attacks on police vehicles, stations, homes and businesses for months.

All of this social chaos, most accurately named ANARCHY, is ongoing with not a word of concern from America’s now corrupt Democrat party and their equally corrupt main-stream network news media.  I have searched Google for facts about the obvious mainstream news and Democrat party black-out on the wide-spread destructive an murderous rioting across America, but this critically important new is largely blacked-out of that search engine. Who would have guessed?!

It has been proven over and over that Democrats cannot run America’s great cities. Therefore, how in the hell does anyone expect Democrats can run our entire nation?!

Where is the proof of Democrat superior governance?!

Where is the proof of Democrat patriotism?!

Where is the proof that Democrats support America’s Constitution?!

Where is the proof that Democrats are now anything but a radical leftist Marxist Revolutionary force, bent on the destruction of America?!

The proof of this last allegation is all around you; providing the Democrats and their main-stream media would stop conspiring to black-it-out of your perceptual field! 

Let Fox New’s Tucker Carlson show you the reality of our traitorous Democrat-led American Marxist Revolution.

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 8/27/20

And…Heeeeer’s Joe!!!

August 21, 2020

And…Heeeeer’s Joe!!!

The Joke’s on America!

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 8/21/21


ary Varvel · Aug. 8, 2020


Trump Fights New World Order!

August 16, 2020

Trump Fights New World Order!

Only dullard democrats, republicans, independents and the uncommitted would miss the fact that America is now in grave danger of unraveling into total chaos: The political term for this socio-political state is anarchy. Anarchy tends to precede great revolutions!

America has not seen this level of existential peril since its Revolutionary war against Great Britain and its terrible Civil War. You can add World War II, if you like. But, for many reasons, I think America’s current state of decline and incipient anarchy is a much greater threat than WWII.

Most citizens have no idea about what has led to America’s great contemporary crisis. But, I pray that most do understand that we are now in great crisis…and on the very brink of our nation’s socialcultural destruction.

I fear that most do not understand that our traditional Democrat Party no longer exists. In its place is a deeply corrupted radical-leftist-Marxist party bent on destroying our Constitutional Republic and replacing it with a socialist-communist World-Order State. America’s “Transformed” nation in which independence, freedom and prosperity is then just a fading dream; lost in a historical ocean of countless millions of precious defending patriot’s blood and sacrifice.

I also fear that most Americans do not understand that many in our traditional Republican Party have also been corrupted by the need to remain in power and enrich themselves through their politically-based privileged connections.

As we near our 2020 Presidential Election, our greatest danger is that most Americans do not understand that it is America’s Last Stand. The outcome of this election spells America’s Life or Death.

If Biden (who is obviously suffering from a progressing dementia) and Kamala Harris (clearly a radical leftist “Manchurian Candidate”) win; Biden will soon be replace by Kamala Harris.  As President of the United States, Harris will surely accelerate our terrifying downward slide into the present hell of our Leftist-Democrat dying major cities…and the dead, dying, and murderous Socialist/Communist nations throughout world history. 

Are you familiar with what has recently happened to Venezuela. Please research this if you do not know.        

President Trump is a “tough-as-nails”, deeply patriotic, incorruptible “gorilla-fighter” for America and all of its citizens (To him all lives matter). He is strongly threatening the financial and political power structure of corrupt Democrats and corrupt Republicans. These corrupted politicians and haters of America have been doing every deceitful, even illegal, thing possible to destroy President Trump. 

If they destroy President Trump with their unremitting evil attacks upon him; they will destroy you and your loved ones as well.

For those who don’t like Trump’s personality, and I am sometimes one; we would not have liked Gen. George Patton’s personality either. But, he sure kicked the shit out of WWII enemies hell-bent on killing America! So it is with our President Trump.

Trump is courageously fighting against unimaginably rich and powerful internal and international forces that are designing and funding their ongoing Marxist Revolution in America.

Wake-Up America!

The video below will detail the truth about the clandestine actions of this “World-Order” force, totally dedicated to destroying (i.e., “Transforming”) and controlling all of America!

I Beg you to watch this video to its end. 

Then please then vote accordingly.

V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D., 8/16/20


Democrat Marxism in Cartoons

August 15, 2020

Democrat Marxist Revolution in Cartoons




America: Cutting or Defunding the Police is Self-Destructive

August 9, 2020

My following article was published in the South Bend Tribune, South Bend In, on 8/8/20.

America: Cutting or Defunding the Police is Self-Destructive

Everyone knows there is a small minority of “bad actors” in every profession. The best correction to this fact-of-life is to upgrade selection and quality control procedures. It is essential to remove problem individuals from our professions and to prosecute them if they have broken the law.   

It is my honor to have provided psychological services to numerous first responder departments (police and fire) in Northern Indiana for over 25 years. America should adore their police and firefighters.

I have assisted police officers who have been beaten, shot, stabbed, or injured in auto accidents while on duty; officers who have had to use lethal force to defend their lives or others; who have been traumatized by seeing the horrific carnage of mass-murder or dead children; who tried to save dying fellow officers killed in the line of duty, or dying adult citizens and children. I have also provided therapy for many officers who were suffering normal emotional difficulties cause by years of work in one of the most dangerous and chronically stressful jobs in the world.

Selection processes vary across America, but the police candidates in our region undergo the most stringent selection processes. Only the smallest percent of America’s population could survive it to become a sworn police officer.

How would you do undergoing the following required assessments that our police officer candidates must pass?

Complete a very detailed application form probing virtually every aspect of your history of personal conduct.

  • Complete a personal, one on one, interview with an experienced officer.
  • Complete a police background check including legal, employment, financial, and police interviews with neighbors and names given by the candidate.
  • You are required to have a very clean and trouble-free background.
  • Pass a polygraph or voice-stress examination to prove your honesty and history of good personal conduct.
  • Pass a police panel interview during which the you are rated by officers.
  • Pass an interview with the Police Pension Board.
  • You are rank-ordered in terms of your performance during all evaluations.
  • Top rated candidates may be invited to be further evaluated as positions come available.
  • After some period of time, those who have not been offered a job will have go through the entire selection process again.
  • If you are selected for hire, you are given a “conditional offer”.

You must then pass a very intrusive psychological evaluation. The psychological evaluation includes: 1. Two psychological tests capable of detecting a wide variety of psychological disorders, as well as personality features that are incompatible with police duties; 2. You must pass a one-hour Clinical Interview with a Ph.D. Psychologist. This interview includes a review of your complete social history and probing questions based upon the findings of your psychological testing; 3. The Psychologist may evaluate your polygraph or voice-stress results and police background findings, as well as police interview results and any other departmental testing information; 4. In the event that the Psychologist is unable to give a clear “Recommend you go forward in the selection process” or “Recommend you not go forward in the selection process”, a third psychological test may be administered, a second Clinical interview may be conducted and further information about you may be requested from the Police Department in order to make a final recommendation. Or, you may simply fail the psychological assessment.

  • You then must then pass a thorough Physical Exam.
  • If you pass this lengthy and intrusive assessment process and are hired. If you have not already done so, you must then attend the State Police Academy for 15 weeks of intensive training. Graduation is not guaranteed.
  • If you graduate, you will be assigned an experienced officer called A “Field Training Officer” (FTO) to undergo 12 to 16 weeks of on-the-job training and pass this trial before you can patrol independently. Or you may fail.
  • If you pass, you may then go about your assigned duties during a one-year probationary period, during which time you may easily be fired for any reasons of concern.

America: To survive, you must not cut or defund your police departments. To survive, you must fully support your police and their perilous work to maintain law and order… for all of your citizens.

V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D.

State Licensed Health Services Provider in Psychology

President: Behavioral Psychological Family Services, P. C.

Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Indiana University South Bend