Archive for December, 2020

Made In China!

December 28, 2020

Made In China!

Thanks to Gary Varvel and the Patriot Post for this sharp dose of reality.

Need  I say more…

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 12/28/20


Pig Poop For You!

December 26, 2020

Government Pork For You!

December 26, 2020

Government Pork For You!

Another fraudulent gift to you: Complements of the Corrupt Democrat Party!

V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D., 12/26/20


Christmas 2020

December 25, 2020

Christmas 2020

God’s Blessings to you and your loved ones now and always. 

Mom always had Nat King Cole singing-in the Christmas holidays. Listen to his sweet and soothing voice. Relax and remember.

Tom and Sally 


Stealing America: By Voter Fraud #2

December 23, 2020

Stealing America: By Voter Fraud #2

There is a great deal of strong evidence that leftists and out-right Marxists have stolen the 2020 Presidential Election. This would be the capstone achievement of their long-standing effort to “TRANSFORM AMERICA”!

I call this obvious Leftist quest to Transform America: “America’s Ongoing Marxist Revolution”.

I have presented much evidence of voter fraud in my previous Posting with this title. I hope you have taken time to consider the items presented there in my first edition with this theme. 

Some of this evidence, plus more, is to be presented here. Also, to be presented, is much more in the form of the sound and well- grounded logic that connects all these astonishing pieces of evidence.

Those who participated in the voter fraud, or who simply voted against President Trump, will call what you are about to see; “just another paranoid conspiracy theory”. To the former group, nothing will change their view. With the later group, some may come under the control of the reality to be presented here.

I believe it is our patriotic duty, as voting citizens, to carefully consider all of the available evidence relating to voter fraud, and then to decide for ourselves. 

Tragically, America’s media: Google, Utube and other mainstream News outlets are censoring virtually all of  the evidence of voter fraud. It is a revolutionary principle that; “if it is not reported, “it does not exist“!

Finally, if our election processes are corrupted, election outcomes will certainly loose their legitimacy. Without rapid repair and correction, what then will follow is the destruction of our (unique-in-all-world history) American Representative Republic. Then it must be saved by another American Revolution, or America will surely be “transformed” into yet another Marxist tyrannical disaster.

Please dear reader, evaluate the following evidence and act according to your conclusions.

Tom Mawhinney, 12/13/20


Stealing America: By Voter Fraud

December 20, 2020

Stealing America: By Voter Fraud

I looked for a compilation of evidence of American 2020 Presidential voter fraud on Google and there was nothing there. I looked on U tube and found that such videos had been removed. I eventually found the following clear and devastating evidence on the duckduckgo search engine, the truth on this issue resides there. Virtually all of America’s media and other key institutions slant radically-to-the-left and are complicit in America’s ongoing Marxist/Socialist Revolution.

If you are a patriot Democrat, Republican, or are of any other political persuasion; you must feel obliged to see what many believe is massive incontrovertible evidence of rampant voter fraud in America’s 2020 election; inflicted upon us all by the New Democrat Socialist Party. 

Please understand that historically, there is evidence of voter fraud by both major political parties. 

But with the ongoing Marxist/Socialist Revolution in America, voter fraud has become so varied, sophisticated and voluminous that it is certain to destroy the legitimacy of all of our elections. 

Wherever electoral legitimacy is destroyed, democracy and freedom is also destroyed. It will be no different for our Constitutional Republic; based upon the democratic vote and our Electoral College.

Fix this problem now! Or watch your nation die: “Transformed”, as promised former leftist President Obama and other revolutionaries brag.

“Transformed” into a destroyed, third-world-like nation; then easy pickings for our unrelenting international enemies (China, North Korea, Iran, and Russia, etc.). 

Patriots! You must survey the evidence below and then behave accordingly.

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 12/20/20

COLLECTION: Evidence Of 2020 Election Fraud

Socialism’s Popularity: And What to Do About It!

December 19, 2020

Socialism’s Popularity: And What to Do About It!

America: Pay attention or you will be sorry…and ruined.

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 12/29/20

Ridiculing an American Disaster!

December 13, 2020

Ridiculing an American Disaster!

Thanks to the Cartoonists, with the Patriot Post, for helping with my self cognitive therapy!

Perhaps the following will benefit your mood also.

In the long-run, coping with reality can be good for us!

V. Thomas Mawhinney,

Cartoons: Gary Varvel for November 25, 2020

Why Progressive/Socialism (A Forshadow of Communism in Disguise) Always Fails and Always Will: A Psychological Perspective

December 12, 2020

Cultural Survival Skills

Why Progressivism/Socialism (Communism in Disguise) Aways Fails and Always Will: A Psychological Perspective

I am representing an older blog today because it is particularly Germain and it is the truth that underlays almost all of America’s problems now reaching horrific proportions.

Those who will not admit this truth are dishonest, rendered ignorant by public education’s propaganda machine, blinded by the lies of liberal dogma, or perhaps they are already effortlessly suckling copious rewards from the many giant governmental teats aggressively extended for their pleasure (sorry, I just could not help myself regarding this last metaphor).

Please read the following explanation of America’s present steep social and cultural decline. It all has to do with the psychopathology of Liberal Ideology and the individuals who practice it.

The following is a re-blog from 9/24/12.

The answer is clear and simple. The psychological contingencies of positive reinforcement (rewards), punishment (painful consequences) and extinction…

View original post 1,092 more words

“The American Trinity: PragerU

December 11, 2020

“The American Trinity: PragerU

PragerU has provided a 5 minute video that clearly explains why, until recently, America truly achieved a land wonderfully closer to “equal-opportunity-for-all”, than any other modern socioculture on earth. 

Enjoy, and learn the truth about America’s great historical achievement; that must be regained!

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 12/11/20