Archive for July, 2015

“The Criminal Arrogance of Hillary Clinton”

July 30, 2015

“The Criminal Arrogance of Hillary Clinton”

Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail speaks and moves like an unskilled high school student campaigning for student body president. She is stiff and robotic-like. Her Cheshire-Cat-like, painted-on ear-to-ear grin, and silly hand-wobbling-wave look just as phony and dishonest as she really is.

Her cardboard political campaign affectations nauseate me.

If you think that I am launching an adolescent ad hominem attack on this poor lady. Think again. It is Hillary Clinton’s astonishing incompetence and her cutthroat, horrific dishonesty, that terrifies me.

Regarding Hillary Clinton’s thoroughgoing and long-radiant dishonesty, she is most certainly Obama’s clone.

Please see this video by Bill Whittle. He will document many other factual reasons that all Americans should vote to defeat Hillary Clinton and any other of her progressive, radical liberal, socialist cronies that may replace her in the upcoming Presidential Election.

Wake-Up America!

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 7/10/15

How To Destroy Islamic Terrorism #2

July 28, 2015

How To Destroy Islamic Terrorism #2
I agree and support Dr. Mawhinney’s recommendations to defeat Radical Terrorist Islam. However I believe stronger measures are necessary to achieve the goal of an all-out win, as “quickly as possible”.
I will outline several more actions that I think are required, but first please consider the following:In 1880, William Tecumseh Sherman spoke to the fact that: “War Is Hell”!

“There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but boys, it is all hell.”

Furthermore, and more to the point, he also said:

“War is cruelty. There’s no use trying to reform it, the crueler it is the sooner it will be over.”
– William Tecumseh Sherman

The Pearl Harbor attack killed 2,500 of our citizens. An emergency joint session of congress was convened by President Franklin D.Roosevelt resulting in a unanimous vote of a “A Declaration of War” on the Empire of Japan. Germany and other axis allies immediately followed declaring war on America.

In Less than four years, we and our allies destroyed Japan, Germany and its allies resulting in surrender unconditionally. For those who insist that “war accomplishes nothing”, they will have to explain pacifist Japan and Germany and their amazing and peaceful successes following reconstruction.

9/11, in 2001, killed approximately 3,000 Americans. In response Congress passed what is called a “Military Engagement” calling it “The War on Terror”. That same year troops were sent to Afghanistan. This military action continuing to the present, is now the longest sustained military action in the history of the United States.

Congress has not used the formal term “Declaration of War” in any conflicts since WWII, only the terms “ military engagement”, “authorized by Congress”, “funded by Congress”, or “undeclared war”. Tens of thousands of military personnel have died or sustained injuries without a complete victory over our enemies.

We have a choice. We can continue to play games with words and see our military personnel die in vain, or call it what it must eventually become a declared all-out War on Radical Islamic Terrorists.

The following is Dr. Mawhinney’s list. My items begin at number 15, and appear in italics.

 1. It is suicidal for America to admit Muslim immigrants to America and this stupid practice must stop.

2. America must declare war on all Islamic terrorist States and the sections of States that harbor Islamic terrorists.

3. We must rebuild America’s military in order to win this great life and death struggle, unlike anything before. America’s survival is the last great hope for justice and liberty for-all on planet earth.

4. We must rapidly intensify our intelligence/surveillance of domestic and foreign terrorist-suspects.

5. We must fight against all forms of “political correctness” (i.e., verbal and written censorship) that interferes with finding and capturing and killing domestic and foreign terrorists.

6. We must fight against the politically correct ban on the “profiling” of terrorists and sources of terrorism.

7. Following interrogation, including water-boarding when necessary, we must swiftly execute all terrorists discovered in America. We can use the money needed to maintain their lives in prisons to help fund the military we need to destroy Islamic terrorism abroad and at home.

8. We must terminate the current restrictive Rules-of-Engagement preventing America’s military from absolutely eradicating Islamic terrorism from the world. Sadly, “collateral” damage similar to that suffered during WWII will be essential to winning this war.

9. We must expand our home-based armed military police, or other military personnel, so they can provide armed security for military soft targets prone to terrorist attacks.

10. We must embolden and reward America’s general public for providing authorities with information about suspicious behavior of that might identify terrorists among naturalized Americans or illegal aliens.

11. We must counter Islamic terrorist propaganda with anti-Islamic terrorist anti-propaganda information of our own. To our own population, we must flood our own media with the horrific truth about Islamic terrorism.

12. We must build a wall at our borders and reinforce its effectiveness with 21st Century technological surveillance and vastly beefed-up patrolling armed forces.

13. We must augment our Naval and Coast Guard forces in order to provide increased security at our maritime borders.

14. Finally, in coming elections we must vote radical liberals, progressives, socialists/communists, and cripto-Marxists out of political office and never let them back in. Individuals of these persuasions now exist among both Republicans and Democrats. They are disproportionately present in the Democratic party, however. They are the death of America.

We must do all of these things or our Great American Republic will be lost in history.


15. Convene a joint session of congress officially Declaring War on Radical
Islamist Terrorists wherever they exist.

16. Revive the draft, increase personnel in all branches of the military to levels
to be determined by our top existing military personnel.

17. By act of congress, increase military funding for all necessary military
supplies (guns,tanks,bombs,ships,submarines,planes,support,etc ) to
insure complete victory.

18. The enemy does not abide by the Geneva convention or any other type of convention, they kill and destroy all that is not Radical Islam. Our Rules of engagement must be: Exterminate all enemy combatants abroad, or in America.

19. Use the most effective and sophisticated weapons in our arsenal, short of nuclear weaponry.

20. Create a coalition of all countries that are willing to join in the fight to exterminate the terrorists. Inform the world that no country is safe from American/Allied force attacks wherever terrorists are harbored or primarily based.


Are these draconian measures, “yes”, without a doubt. Will civilian casualties
occur, “yes”, without a doubt. Will these recommendations lead to an all-out WWIII, yes, they probably will.

Indeed “War Is Hell”! The civilian deaths as of 12/1945 caused by the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan ending WWII were:

Hiroshima: 90,000-120,000
Nagasaki: 60,000-80,000

But remember: “War is cruelty. There’s no use trying to reform it, the crueler it is the sooner it will be over.” 

If our leaders are truthful with the American people about Radical Terrorist Islam’s Jihad to dominate the world, the majority will support an all-out Declaration of  War upon them.

Howard Hawkins,  An American patriot.


Take A Close Look At Scott Walker

July 26, 2015

Take A Close Look At Scott Walker

I am convinced that only a strong conservative (in the tradition of Ronald Reagan) can efficiently repair the damage inflicted on America by the lying and cheating progressive/socialist/radical liberal Obama Administration.

Even a forceful conservative pendulum swing may not be enough to save America from joining other lying and cheating progressive/socialist/radical liberal societies that have withered-away or tyrannized their way into world history.

I urge you to see Scott Walker’s announcement of his candidacy for President of the United States.

Walker appears to be honest and strong in his bold and detailed plans to save America.  Perhaps even more important, he has already accomplished much of what he promises against strong liberal resistance!

As I say often, past behavior best predicts future behavior.

Wake-Up America!

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 7/26/15

“Loch-Ness Socialism”

July 23, 2015

“Loch-Ness Socialism”

Please, watch this video.

Learn what is in store for America if we do not vote for a return to strong conservatism in our future elections.

Wake-Up America!

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 7/23/15

What $15/hour Flipping Burgers Gets Ya!

July 22, 2015

What $15/hour Flipping Burgers Gets Ya!

Surprise!!! Take a look at what progressive economics accelerates.

See the following article.

Note that this article about McDonald’s automation in Europe asserts that McDonald’s does not wish to replace people with machines. Don’t believe it.

The facts are that people in entry-level jobs often don’t show-up for work, they have performance issues, they quit suddenly, and they are all unique, thus stressing management and costing extra money…unlike machines. Also, people keep pushing for raises, more benefits, and time-off for life’s various exigencies, unlike machines.

Automation will come to McDonald’s in America because it is more efficient and cost-effective. Much as it is coming everywhere else in our lives.

But governmentally mandated pay-hikes for menial labor (as it surely has in Europe) will accelerate this natural process. In doing so, it will cause the sudden loss of low-wage wage jobs for those entering the workforce, who use them as a step-ladder to better paying positions in the future. It will also cause the sudden loss of jobs for the quality workforce who are in retirement and need a little extra income to make ends-meet later in life.

Accelerating this process will cause an acute increase in financial stress within our population due to lost jobs; and among businesses that cannot afford to automate and will then fail.

Of course, McDonald’s can stay in business, and our Progressive/Socialist Government can raise taxes on America’s shrinking middle class to pay for the displaced employees forced into its tax-payer-fed welfare system. The end result is a growing voting constituency for our progressive/socialist government.

On balance, governmentally imposed minimum income hikes will not provide a net benefit to our society.

But, they will greatly benefit our bloating progressive/socialist government—on the road to its inevitable failure.

Do ya get it?!

Wake-Up America!

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 7/22/15

P.S. Thanks to Vic Palenske for sending this to me.

Legalized Porn: I Told Ya So

July 20, 2015

Legalized Porn: I Told Ya So

There is no question that America has become the worlds capital of pornography.

It has produced an avalanche of sexual problems among our children and teens and our families have lost control of this critically important aspect of their ability to shape their children’s behavior and appetites.

I have said it often to my bewildered clients in my private practice: “America has betrayed its parents and children”.

Please go to my search box and type in “Pornography” to see a summary of my research findings on the effects of pornography upon society.

Please take time to read about some recent findings on pornography and our pubic health crisis.

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 7/20/15

How To Destroy Islamic Terrorism # I

July 17, 2015

How To Destroy Islamic Terrorism # I

A Muslim terrorist strikes again.

It was with near-tear deep sadness and revulsion (approaching nausea), that I learned an American Muslim terrorist had killed States-Side military personnel in the name of Allah. The toll is four American Marines gunned down and one American Sailor in serious condition following surgery.

And now America’s liberal  media anguishes over what the motive for these killings might be. What could possibly cause a Muslim American Citizen to do such a thing?….Duuh…

Obama’s media propaganda machine is dedicated to obscuring the truth about all of the people and things that are now destroying America. It is a pathological level of naiveté to believe anything the Obama Administration or its lackey-media promulgates.

The following actions are essential for America’s survival against Islamic Terrorism:

1. It is suicidal for America to admit Muslim immigrants to America and this stupid practice must stop.

2. America must declare war on all Islamic terrorist States and the sections of States that harbor Islamic terrorists.

3. We must rebuild America’s military in order to win this great life and death struggle, unlike anything before. America’s survival is the last great hope for justice and liberty for-all on planet earth.

4. We must rapidly intensify our intelligence/surveillance of domestic and foreign terrorist-suspects.

5. We must fight against all forms of “political correctness” (i.e., verbal and written censorship) that interferes with finding and capturing and killing domestic and foreign terrorists.

6. We must fight against the politically correct ban on the “profiling” of terrorists and sources of terrorism.

7. Following interrogation, including water-boarding when necessary, we must swiftly execute all terrorists discovered in America. We can use the money needed to maintain their lives in prisons to help fund the military we need to destroy Islamic terrorism abroad and at home.

8. We must terminate the current restrictive Rules-of-Engagement preventing America’s military from absolutely eradicating Islamic terrorism from the world. Sadly, “collateral” damage similar to that suffered during WWII will be essential to winning this war.

9. We must expand our home-based armed military police, or other military personnel, so they can provide armed security for military soft targets prone to terrorist attacks.

10. We must embolden and reward America’s general public for providing authorities with information about suspicious behavior of that might identify terrorists among naturalized Americans or illegal aliens.

11. We must counter Islamic terrorist propaganda with anti-Islamic terrorist propaganda of our own. To our own population, we must flood our own media with the truth about Islamic terrorism.

12. We must build a wall at our borders and reinforce its effectiveness with 21st Century technological surveillance and vastly beefed-up patrolling armed forces.

13. We must augment our Naval and Coast Guard forces in order to provide increased security at our maritime borders.

14. Finally, in coming elections we must vote radical liberals, progressives, socialists/communists, and cripto-Marxists out of political office and never let them back in. Individuals of these persuasions now exist among both Republicans and Democrats. They are disproportionately present in the Democratic party, however.

We must do all of these things or our Great American Republic will be lost in history.

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 7/17/15

It is reported today that the Sailor had died of his wounds inflicted by the Muslim terrorist. 7/18/15

P.S., I would appreciate more good ideas to add to this list. Please provide me with your comments on this topic.


Obama’s Legacy Of Shame

July 15, 2015

Obama’s Legacy Of Shame.

There is much in the news about Obama’s deal with the Iranian’s, limiting their nuclear program. Some say it has been motivated by President Obama’s quest for his own historical legacy.

Liberals support this deal and conservatives view it as a world disaster in the making.

Israeli leaders assert that it as a certain road to nuclear war.

I have no doubt that the conservatives and the Israeli’s are correct. After-all, this deal was struck with the voices of  Iran’s religious leader and thousands of Iranians chanting death to America and Israel. Their voices boldly screeching their goal of  death and destruction of the two remaining obstructions to radical Islamic world hegemony.

It is true that no one can predict the future. But, rational individuals and nations must do the best they can, or their survival is in peril.

Sooner or later the Iranian hot-bed of crazy people will have to be destroyed, just as was the hot-bed of murderous crazies in Germany and Japan during WWII. We should have learned from WWII that, as history repeats itself in the form of terrorist Islamic states, sooner promises a far superior outcome than later.

No matter, Obama’s legacy will be that of a Marxist destroyer of all things Western/American and a confederate of radical Islam. It will be a shameful stain upon American history as well as World History.

Our Founders had a near religious faith in the wisdom of the American electorate, they were correct in their time. They could not have anticipated our largely indolent, ignorant, and unpatriotic modern American electorate.

I will pray that our current looming world conflagration will amplify my plea:

Wake-Up Damn-Fools In America!

Please See this video. Presidential Candidate Scott Walker tells the truth.

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 7/15/15

Scott Walker For President?

July 14, 2015

Scott Walker For President?

The facts are simple: Following eight years of radical liberal/progressive/socialist damage to America, speeding the death of the only great Western Civilization left in the world, no “moderate” President and Commander In Chief can possibly turn the tide of our decline.

I ask you to take a very close look at Scott Walker.  He appears to be a very strong conservative in the Reagan tradition. I think his religious, social, economic and national security views are spot-on to what is needed to save America at this most perilous time in our history.

The following interview is a very tough, “hard-ball grilling” of this Presidential Candidate by one of America’s very best reporters, Chris Wallace.

I believe Walker handled it without the slightest hesitation or difficulty. I think he did so simply because his main guiding rule in politics is to do what is best for the people. You may know that an honest politician does not have trouble “telling it like it is”.  They don’t have to fumble around trying to figure-out what people want to hear, what works best for the polls, or what the most certain way to get re-elected is.

Walker appears to be an honest man who “shoots fast and straight to the target”.

This would be a God-Send following the last eight years of America’s horrific governmental tyranny.

Please watch this video in its entirety and see what you think.

V. Thomas Mawhinney,  7/14/15

“Why Government Is The Problem”: Milton Friedman, #3

July 8, 2015

“Why Government Is The Problem”: Milton Friedman, #3.

The following was derived from Milton Friedman in his Essays in Public Policy. These were  published in Feb.  1993.

Friedman explained in good detail why private enterprise and government enterprises are so different. The primary difference being that governmental programs that fail are expanded and given “eternal life”.

Regarding governmental enterprises, he notes of politicians: “Nobody because likes to admit that he made a mistake, and they do not have to.”

He points out that politicians simply argue that the enterprise initially failed because  it was not designed and funded on a large enough scale.


If a private enterprise is a failure, it closes down—unless it can get a governmental subsidy to keep it going; if a governmental  enterprise fails, it is expanded. I challenge you to find exceptions.

Milton Friedman.

Kindle loc. 155

Of course, it is in the politician’s best interests to fund and grow even failing programs. This is how they gain their political power. Furthermore, if a failing program can be funded and maintained long enough, when it finally collapses it is likely to do so after the politicians have left office. In other-words, the failure provides no real consequences to them. They did not lose their own money and the ultimate failure was someone, or something, else’s fault!

Friedman acknowledges that even well-intentioned politicians are prone to fall into this trap of political power-rewards for programs that are harmful to America, and that elude punishing consequences for their corrupted personal behaviors.

As many Behavior Analysts have asserted, myself included: It’s not the individual that is the problem, it’s the system of contingencies of reinforcement and punishment that shape his or her bad behavior!

Perhaps Friedman’s title should be changed: Its Not The Government: It is the Contingencies of Reinforcement and Punishment Under-Which The Government Operates!

Do you get it?!

Constitutional Amendments are essential to the survival of our American Republic.

Please enter “Liberty Amendments” in my search window to see these critically important recommended Amendments.

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 7/8/15