Posts Tagged ‘Constitutional Government’

Why We Must Build “The Wall”

June 13, 2017

Why We Must Build “The Wall”    

If you were to pilot a 30 ft. motor vessel into the midst of 1000 struggling survivors of a sunken luxury ocean liner, hundreds of miles from shore, what would you do?

How many people would you pick-up?

Would you pick up more than your boat could hold so that you and all your saved passengers would sink and drown?!

Or, would you have the courage to take on only as many survivors as your boat could safely hold, saving all that is possible…but no more. 

The choices would be difficult, but you would have to make them. 

Ok, this analogy is overly simple. 

However, on a much greater scale, this is the reality faced by America today as we watch other countries taking in more immigrants than they can possibly feed, cloth, house, acculturate and afford. For those who are awake and watching, the blood and chaos in Europe is horrifying. It would appear that they have sealed their own fate.

It has been said that great nations are not conquered from outside, they commit suicide.

Wake-Up America! The odds against your Constitutional Republic’s survival are rapidly increasing. 

Build the wall, “drain the political swamp”, return to a Constitutional smaller government and fight to survive!

You must see the following.

V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D., 6/13/17

Americans Should Know! Difference Between a Democracy and a Republic

January 8, 2012

Americans Should Know! Difference Between a Democracy and a Republic

I have found much confusion in my readings about history, societies, and evolving cultures over the use of the terms Democracy and Republic.

These terms are often not used with precision. Americans frequently talk about their  American Democracy. Given this pitifully declining Nation’s general failure to acculturate its children in its own fundamental values and ethics, why should this be a surprise?

This Nation produced the first Republic in the history of the world. It was created to protect the God-Given Unalienable Rights of individual American citizens against the tyranny of the majority vote. A tyranny which was often witnessed by The Framers of our Constitution among  various democracy designs through history.

Every American should know the following:

Know it, use it,—– or loose it!

VTM, 1/8/112