Archive for June, 2024

America’s Decline in Cartoons

June 20, 2024

Gay Pride is Sexual Exhibitionism and A LGBTQ Recruitment Tool

June 9, 2024

1 Votes

Gay Pride is Sexual Exhibitionism and A LGBTQ Recruitment Tool

The Gay Pride Parades around the world, in America, and coming soon to your home town is nothing to be proud of.

It is something to be ashamed of.

And no, I am not insulting any LGBTQ persons. They should be accorded their basic human rights under our American Constitution…but nothing more than that.

To be clear, I am insulting the LGBTQ political action/social revolutionary movement….Both here and everywhere else.

Let’s try a brief thought experiment, to see if you agree with me.

Imagine  Heterosexual Pride Parades all across America featuring scantily clad children in special “signature” heterosexual colors adorned with entwined male and female sex symbols. The kids mix with adults who are dancing nearly naked (a few are really naked). In the parade there are bare-breasted women letting strangers fondle them and men in G strings with giant rubber penises hanging from their crotches. A few women, clad only in G-strings with huge artificial hairy vaginas pasted between their legs, are also prancing in the parade. 

There is simulated sex between men and women, in all of the positions of the Karma Sutra, enacted by virtually naked sweaty, frenzied groping, humping, kissing, licking and sucking men and women atop a long line of floats. The parade progresses slowly, rolling by a frantically applauding crowd of gawking, screaming, applauding, laughing, dancing-prancing citizens who frequently become so excited that they actually imitate the sexually performing paraders in their places on the curbs and sidewalks.

Of course you will see children among the observers and  some of their parents will spontaneously take them into the parade of participants as the Heterosexual Pride Parade continues to grow along the way.

You should not be surprised to see politicians marching, smiling and waving at the crowd and the media. There are also police, fire, military personnel and members of the clergy marching in uniform celebrating Heterosexual Pride. This makes political sense. After all, they all depend upon the support of the heterosexual community for their well-being!

Would all of this be O.K. with you? 

If it is not O.K., then why would you think it is O.K in the following Gay Pride Parade contexts?!

It is important that you study the numerous photographs of the soft-porn orgy’s (occasionally transformed to hard-porn) now popularly called “Gay Pride Parades”. Please, if you must do so, just force yourself to inspect this slice of America’s corrupted social reality.

If you would object to the actions on public display in the fictitious Heterosexual Pride Parade, why would you not object to the following public Gay Pride displays?

If you are naive enough to believe that the Gay Pride Parades increasingly enacted in our communities are simply a product of a few local folks with this idea, think again. All of this is a highly organized and sustained attack on traditional Judeo/Christian Family Values, more’s and folkways in America. 

See for yourself!

All of this, among so many other trends, is just one symptom of  our increasing behavioral chaos and the failure of Democracy in America.

Wake-Up America, vote Constitutional Conservatism to reverse this unfolding tragedy!

V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D.,   6/27/17

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LGBTQ+ Pride Recruiting Children #2June 17, 2023In “Boiling the American Frog”

LGBTQ Mass Hysteria: Sorry for The Dirty Pictures…Hide the Children!March 31, 2017In “Boiling the American Frog”

Entertainment Media & LGBTQ Activists: Actively Recruiting Your Children!March 26, 2017In “Boiling the American Frog”

Tags: American Democracy is FailingGay Pride Attacks America’s Traditional Family ValuesGay Pride is Sexual Exhibitionism and A LGBTQ Recruitment ToolGay Pride Parades is Behavioral ChaosHeterosexual Pride ParadesSee a Real Gay Pride ParadeV. Thomas Mawhinney Ph.D.VTM

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Killing America!

June 2, 2024

The following is my studied opinion about the events leading up to the 5/30/24 Russia-like Marxist conviction of a popular Republican Presidential candidate. The New York court ruling against Donald J. Trump was: “Guilty of all 34 false Felony Charges”!

The weaponization of America’s Judicial System is the death of our Constitutional Republic: I am not speaking in hyperbolic or figurative terms when I say this: it is a factual ongoing attempt to Kill America.

The upcoming November Presidential Election is arguably the most important election in America’s history. Nor is it inaccurate to state that the democrats hate America. Starting in the 1920’s with John Dewey, President Wilson, and President F. D. Roosevelt, the Progressive Movement became a more palatable label for Socialism, which in turn was a more palatable label for the Marxist Revolution…which brought the mortal damage to America that is unmistakably consuming us today.

It has taken just over 100 years to “Transform America”. This was Presidential Candidate Barack Obama’s words for America’s Ongoing Marxist Revolution! Obama’s crony’s were Marxists and other radical revolutionaries of all sorts. As Obama pulled the fast-forward revolutionary levers available to him during his eight years as President. He also left, in his words, “80% of his people in government” to help his corrupt, silly-putty, dementing puppet, Joe Biden, “to complete the Job”! Many might think that the following was an unhappy discovery by Obama:

Obama said of Biden, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”

But that was the plan! Marxist revolutions, at their core, are based upon damaging societies bad enough that politically-groomed and ignorant inhabitants (useful idiots in Marxist terms) will accept and support the revolution; desperately grasping at Marxist’s false promises of a “happier future”. But, these promises are just propaganda obscuring Marxist’s desire for power, wealth and control of the people. This future invariably unfolds to a worsening living hell-on-earth for the governed.

Once a nation has been captured by Marxist revolutionaries, the population’s guns are confiscated, their religion and educational system is destroyed, the legal system corrupted, dissenters and counter-revolutionaries are killed or imprisoned. Then a single Marxist party continues to use it’s iron-curtain and iron-fist to tyrannically control of its citizens.

The long-range planning Marxists then move-on to other nations to revolutionize and subjugate them, claiming that their national “transformations” will be more skillfully achieved this time. The Marxists promise greater freedom and abundance for everyone because they will champion greater Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) for everyone!

The long history of these broken Marxist promises remind me of an unforgettable quote: “The only thing we learn from history, is that we do not learn from history.” Attributed to: German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Therefore a quick review recent history leading to America’s ongoing “Death Rattle” is essential!

Corrupt Marxist prosecutors targeted conservative candidates and operatives for prosecution; rampant crime increased do to a lack of prosecution; suicidal open borders produced a flood of 12 to 16 million unvetted Illegals and millions of gotta-aways; Illegals come from over 100 nations, some of them hate America, and many illegals are mental patients and criminals; tons of smuggled drugs are addicting and killing millions of our people; Mexican cartels’ are in all of our 50 states; illegal immigrant children are lost and entered into child prostitution; record numbers of illegal and citizen terrorists are here with their training camps in America; suicidal blocks were put on oil production; our infrastructure is deteriorating (power grids and transportation); there are violent riots and the destruction of America’s historical monuments; there is a suicidal neglect of our military; the suicidal printing of money and unsustainable spending resulting in runaway inflation; failing schools with diminished Social Studies, Citizenship, World and American History; the stupefaction and pornification of education; propagandizing our popular news and entertainment media; the abridgment of our 1st. Amendment and free speech; a constant attack on our 2nd Amendment (gun rights); the deconstruction of gender and family by LGBTQ+ legal, political and social forces; the destruction of our religious symbols, influences, holidays and traditions; the governmental imposition of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) requirements destroying our traditional American values of competition and the excellence of all our institutions. There is much, much more…

I end the preceding partial list of the death of America “by a thousand cuts” (an ancient Chines torture), with what could be America’s coup de grace. This is the Weaponization of our once great legal system by our own corrupt federal government, now convicting its political opponents of “Trumped-Up” felony crimes!

All of the above is a direct result America’s long-developing Marxist Revolution, a line of “progressive” presidents, and finally the intelligent deceptiveness of a two-term radical revolutionary Obama, and four years of our President Biden. The only gravely dementing American President ever, who is unable to talk, walk, climb stairs, work a full day, and stay awake at meetings and ceremonies. It is essential that his handlers “hop-him-up” on strong central nervous system stimulants so he can gain the energy and mental acuity necessary to angerly yell at us about his life’s false achievements and false accusations about the political opposition and Supreme Courts Rulings from a projected speech script, written by his deep-state government puppet masters.

America is on its death bed.

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 5/11/24