Posts Tagged ‘Social Decline’

Why Leftists Hate God

January 27, 2018

Why Leftists Hate God.

There should be nothing surprising about the following article, noting that Google is censoring the name Jesus and information about him in their new technology, Google Home.

Socialists, communists and so called “progressives” (i.e., Leftists) most often seek to undermine the influence of God within the societies they control. This is well documented by the histories of many such societies.

Why should this be so often the case?

The answer should not cause any brain-strain to a clear thinking politically savvy individual.

In free societies, to exist long and well, it is absolutely critical that their population agree to similar rules of moral conduct. Christian-based religious influences have been very successful at teaching large populations to follow prosocial moral precepts and providing supernatural influences (God) that engender a love of these teachings and the fear of  forsaking them (i.e., heaven or hell in the after-life).

These deeply held beliefs create a population that is motivated to worship God and to strive to follow His Rules.

When God’s Rules come into conflict with a secular Government’s rules, among the faithful, God’s Rules will normally supersede the government’s rules. At the very least, they will compete with them.

This is a major strategic problem for any government that seeks to impose increasing levels of control and sanctions for resisting this control over its governed population.

In America, our increasingly leftist secular government, unelected governmental employees (the “deep state”), educational systems, news and entertainment media, and judicial system have increasingly censored, insulted, and ridiculed God and our religious citizens over many decades. Our government, using a common leftist ploy now called “political correctness”, has increasingly suppressed the language and holidays of  America’s traditional religions and have sought to marginalize its adherents.

Someone once said something similar to: The government that governs least is the government that governs best.

B. F. Skinner, the great American Psychologist amended that statement when he said…and I paraphrase: The government that governs least, governs best only when something else governs.

In America, historically, that “something else” has been the Christian God, His Son Jesus and the moral precepts that they teach.

For a leftist government to exert increasing control of the American population, it must destroy America’s God and the Son of God. Of course the ultimate goal is to make the leftist government America’s new “god”.

As this systematic strategy has unfolded and God’s influences in America has been weakened, our population has behaved in increasingly lawless and barbaric ways. 

The recurring tragedy is that this provides leftist governments the rational to fix the moral problems they caused by increasing their rules, controls and and sanctions in a failing effort to escape the predictable path to its own abject failure.

Below, please see yet another assault silently perpetrated against American’s  Christians.

V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D., 1/26/18

P.S., I.  Of course, there are other factors that can lead to a decline in the religious influences within cultures. The processes and technological, biological, social and psychological outcomes of modernization appear to be important mechanisms in this decline.

P.S., II.  If you would like to learn a lot more about the many ways in which  societies decline and sometimes totally collapse, I recommend that you read the following:  Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, by Jared Diamond.