Posts Tagged ‘In Praise of Second Amendment!’

Hamas Calls for World Jihad

October 13, 2023

The horror of Palestine’s Hamas terrorist attacks raping, shooting, decapitating, burning infants, children teens, whole families, and the aged in Israel is an unparalleled disaster for them: with the exception of the holocaust.

I have no words to describe the unspeakable bestialities inflicted on innocent citizens, with 1200 killed and a large number taken as hostage’s, in addition to our own killed and taken citizens.

Israel is counterattacking and has promised that no members of Hamas will be left alive.

This is exactly what must happen if Israel is to survive. The U.S. will reportedly support them in this effort, but our economy and military is stretched near the limits.

This situation is very dangerous to Israel and the West; with China, Russia, North Korea and Iran (working to become a nuclear power) and all saber-rattling. There is great danger of a four-front WWIII, at a time when America is unprepared.

If that is not enough, American Muslims and sympathizers are demonstrating in cities and university settings in favor of Palestine; Chants of “Gas the Jews” have been documented and shown of Fox News this on (10/12/23.

Finally, it is essential that you see all of the following.

It seems unbelievable, but I believe it is true.

All of this together with our wide-open borders defines our grave homeland mistakes over the course of many years.

You must also see this!

Type in your browser search strip. Then In their search box and type: “FBI confirms existence of jihad training camps in rural America”

It might be time to exercise your Second Amendment, before America’s increasingly Marxist Federal Government eliminates that possibility.

Wake-Up America!

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 10;13;23