A Second American Revolution? #2

A Second American Revolution? #II

I am not a true scholar of the French Revolution. However, I have read several authoritative accounts and believe that I am seeing at least some of the converging factors in that revolution, that we are now witnessing in America.

I cannot help but fear for the future of America if its current radical sociocultural conflicts and upheavals do not abate.

The French Revolution and its bloody Reign of Terror eventually resolved into the Napoleonic Era, a dictatorship, under Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.  

Perhaps you will see some similar classes of events that are now threatening the stability of  the most successful national revolution in world history: The American Revolution.

The French Revolution started in 1787 and ended late in the 1790’s. The following are at least some of the stressors afflicting France prior to and during the its great revolution.

  1. It was of time of economic crisis.
  2. There was great conflict between political, social, and economic ideals and ideas.
  3.  New ideas and ideals, in conflict with the prevailing culture, were spread by the educated and educators.
  4. The rich were threatened with a loss of power and prestige.
  5. The French participation in the American revolution nearly bankrupted France.
  6. The population was heavily taxed.
  7. France was the most populated country in Europe.
  8. The 1788 crop failure came at after a period of continues population restlessness. 
  9. There was a great cattle disease.
  10. The population was suffering financial hardship and many were hungry.
  11. The Monarchy was no longer viewed as God-Ordained and was ineffective at solving Frances many growing problems.
  12. On July 14, 1789, anti-monarchists launched an attack on the Bastille, a fortress and prison. There were close to 1000 assailants and 100 of them were killed. Only seven prisoners were liberated.

As you may know as the revolution unfolded, it included a Reign of Terror in which between 17,000 to 40,000 people died by Guillotine or in prisons. This included many of the leaders of the Revolution. On January 21, 1793 King Louis XVI was sent to the Guillotine.  His wife, Marie Antoinette, was Guillotined nine months later.

I invite the reader to compare the list of cultural stressors that were potentially catalytic to the French-Revolution, to the ones that are now severely stressing the United States of America. 

We cannot predict the future, but there is great reason for alarm and high alert.

It is essential that citizens vote for America’s Constitutional Ideals with great diligence, intelligence and patriotism.

America’s future has never been very secure and it is now in great jeopardy.  

For more information on the French Revolution and it’s Reign of Terror, take time to read the following.


V. Thomas Mawhinney, Ph.D., 8/21/17

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