4 Day School Week: Another American Nightmare

I am working diligently on finishing my book. The tentative working title being: “The Psychology of America’s Decline and Possible Recovery”.

As I write, I continually find rapidly accumulating evidence that a recovery from America’s well-documented social, cultural and political decline is rapidly diminishing.

The following article is just another example of how our children are being neglected in favor of other non-parenting adult preferences.

Our children socially and educationally damaged by America’s failed morality, Covid 19 isolation from education, a lack of parental supervision while schools closed, inferior computer assisted learning compared to teacher instruction, and measurably the worst levels of mental health in our recorded history.

Education is proceeding as it generally does, the call for more research follows the implementation of educational changes, which of course is an ass-backwards way to do anything. If honestly conducted and interpreted, this research is likely to have mixed results and to call for more research. Common sense will suggest that less rather than more, is no way to remediate any educational deficit.

A four day educational week is sure to to be just another public school travesty.

I recommend that families that can, make whatever sacrifices reasonable to leave public education for private, charter, of home schooling.

V. Thomas Mawhinney Ph.D.

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