Mark Levin: America’s Betrayal of Israel

Mark Levin: America’s Betrayal of Israel

America is failing in more ways than I can count. One of the major failings is the fact that we are not supporting the only moral and sane true friend that we have in the Middle East.

Please watch the following video. Mark Levin is stunning in his analysis of our failings.

V. Tom Mawhinney, 7/23/14

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3 Responses to “Mark Levin: America’s Betrayal of Israel”

  1. Roberta Says:

    Always resfnrhieg to hear a rational answer.


  2. jplume Says:

    America is not betraying Israel … bows down to the muslims.
    He knows what he is doing . He is betraying America …..


    • vtmawhinney Says:


      No question it is traitor Obama who is betraying all that is good about America…and of course, our relationship with Israel. On the other hand I do not detect any outrage among our citizens or the mainstream press. So, though I understand your point, until I see some kind of great indignation, as we see starting to occur among citizens about our open borders, I will stick to my more harsh assertion.

      I remain unhappy with the general behavioral trends among the sheeple of America. Tom


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