Gay Pride is Sexual Exhibitionism and A LGBTQ Recruitment Tool

The LGBTQ+ propaganda machine appears to have cleaned up many of the sexualized photos of their parades that I found on the internet in 2017, the original date of this post. But you can be certain they continue in many of the parade venues. VTM, 6/18/2023

Cultural Survival Skills

Gay Pride is Sexual Exhibitionism and A LGBTQ Recruitment Tool

The Gay Pride Parades around the world, in America, and coming soon to your home town is nothing to be proud of.

It is something to be ashamed of.

And no, I am not insulting any LGBTQ persons. They should be accorded their basic human rights under our American Constitution…but nothing more than that.

To be clear, I am insulting the LGBTQ political action/social revolutionary movement….Both here and everywhere else.

Let’s try a brief thought experiment, to see if you agree with me.

Imagine  Heterosexual Pride Parades all across America featuring scantily clad children in special “signature” heterosexual colors adorned with entwined male and female sex symbols. The kids mix with adults who are dancing nearly naked (a few are really naked). In the parade there are bare-breasted women letting strangers fondle them and men in G strings with…

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