Krauthammer: Obama Plan Invites More Illegals

Krauthammer: Obama Plan Invites More Illegals

I will take a break from writing today.

There is little more that I can say on the topic of the Obama Plan for over six million illegal immigrants in America, that was not presented by Charles Krauthammer with wise, unflappable and flawless logic.

See the truth revealed:

V. Thomas Mawhinney, 11/21/14

P.S. O.K., there is one thing.  I judge that the negative characterization of  President Obama provocatively stated by Bill O’Reilly, but rejected by Krauthammer (i.e., “Of course not”),….is actually true!

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4 Responses to “Krauthammer: Obama Plan Invites More Illegals”

  1. Judith Says:

    Articles like this really grease the shafts of knledwoge.


  2. Gildas Says:

    Right oni-ths helped me sort things right out.


  3. jplume Says:

    No one is talking about the cost?


    • vtmawhinney Says:

      Good Point, John! Obama is bent on the destruction of our economy and Obamaimmigration is just one more nefarious strategy. Tom


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